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Why Is This Referendum Petition Important?

The Impacts of These Charter Changes

 The Council's Charter Changes intend to do the following:

1. Give the Mayor the Right to Vote on all Matters

2. Change the Village to a Manager-Council Government

These Charter Amendments would have

 irreversible impacts on the Village

They  would...

Encourage & Reinforce Hyper-Partisan Control of the Council, which would... 

>  Tip the scales and cement the balance of power in favor of any partisan Mayor with an agenda

>  Eliminate expectations that mayors should build consensus and lead through collaboration

>  Encourage ever-increasing partisan Village factions to seek nothing but full domination of the Council 

>  Foster ever-increasing hyper-partisan politics that continue to erode our sense of community

Erode Transparency by Allowing Council to:

(a) Hide Controversial Actions Behind a Manager, and

(b) Enact Policy 'Behind Closed Doors' through a Manager, which would:

>  Minimize decision-making transparency in open meetings

>  Excuse Council from open meeting deliberations & justifications

>  Permit hyper-partisan policy creation beyond public view

>  Diminish our ability to hold officials accountable to voters

Have Irreversible Impacts on the Balance of Power and the Outcome of Critical Community Decisions with regard to: 

>  Village Center Development and Planning Initiatives

>  Tax Increases & Spending on Specialty Investments

>  Council and Planning Board Appointments

>  Oversight and Control Over Village Budgets & Contracts

>  Traffic, Congestion, Community Safety & Serenity

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